European Depositary Bank SA (“EDB”) has implemented a new functionality, the PSD2 Open Banking API, to meet the requirements of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2).

This service will allow third party providers (TPPs) to view balances, confirm funds availability and make payments on behalf of banking users who have given them explicit consent. We will do this using secure methods and with strict security policies that comply with EU standards.

EDB API Architecture

The EDB PSD2 API Architecture* is a RESTful service which

  • uses the NextGenPSD2 Framework version 1.3.6,
  • is provided at no cost to certified AISP, PISP and PIISP services, and
  • accepts, sends, and responds with JSON data.


Our PSD2 API comes with a custom-built sandbox environment that you can use to test your application and can be easily migrated to production. This allows you to quickly get started using simulation data, and fully leverage its power through the guidance of the documentation available on our developer portal.

Production API

We're excited to help you go live with our production API. After integrating the sandbox, you can use the documentation available on our developer portal to configure your application and go live.


Our web interface performance statistics are available for analysis via the following link.

The quarterly statistics of our PSD2 API availability can be accessed via the following link. The data is recorded and updated on a regular basis. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to let us know.


* only for digital banking clients

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